Risk Reduction

Choice to Lower Investment Risk

We Are Possibly The 1st P2P Platform In World To Reward

Risk Reduction & Lower Financing Cost

When our issuers reduces their risk, they would get risk reduction incentives as illustrated below.
No. Risk Reduction Incentive Rate % (up to)

Invoice is INSURED against Bad Debt / Delayed Payments @90%

  1. Issuer has Purchased Trade Credit Insurance to protect up to 90% of losses due to the the following events:
    1. Insolvency
      Non-Payment as a result of Insolvency / Bankruptcy of the Buyer.
    2. Protracted Default
      Non-Payment after an agreed number of Months (usually after the Due Date of Invoice).
  2. Issuer has also assigned the Policy proceeds and endorsed the Loss Payee Clause to the Platform on behalf of Investors.

Buyer is Government of Malaysia / GLCs or its Agencies / Subsidiaries

  1. Issuer is a Supplier or Contractor to Government of Malaysia or Government Linked Companies (GLCs) or its Agencies such as:
    1. Government - Federal Ministries / Kementerian
    2. Acceptable GLCs by Platform's Credit Committee - eg. Telekom, Tenaga.

Buyer has >RM50m of Cash & Cash Equivalent or Networth >RM10m

  1. Issuer is a Supplier or Contractor to a subsidiary or the holding company that has > RM50m Cash & Cash Equivalents or a Networth of >RM10m for latest 2 out of the 3 available Past Years audited financials from Credit Reporting Agencies.

For example, if current evaluation date is 05/05/2020, the Platform can still accept Financial Reports for Financial year Ended 2018 and 2017 as Financial year ended 2019 usually is not readily available.


DIRECT PAYMENT from BUYER + NOA Accepted by Buyer

  1. Buyer has agreed to Pay Invoice Proceeds Directly to the Platform.
  2. Issuer has Assigned via a Notice of Assignment(NOA) to the Platform all their rights, title and interest to and in all amounts payable to the Issuer relating to the Approved Receivables pursuant to the relevant Investment Note.

Key Director's and/or 3rd Party GUARANTORS

Key Director’s and/or 3rd Party GUARANTORS are given


Invoices are VALIDATED with the BUYER

Issuer’s Invoices are validated with the Buyer’s Accounts / Procurement Dept.


Notice of ASSIGNMENT (NOA) Served and Acknowledged by Buyer

Issuer has given Notice of Assignment (NOA) to the Buyer assigning to the Platform as assignee for the investors all their rights, title and interest to and in all amounts payable to the Issuer relating to the Approved Receivables pursuant to the relevant Investment Note.


Others risk REDUCTIONS to Platform

Any other risk REDUCTIONS offered by the Issuer and approved by MoneySave Credit Committee.

As per investment note factsheet
Estimated Risk REDUCTION Incentive (Max 8.00%) Max. at 8.00%
Note: MoneySave reserves the absolute right to adjust the risk reduction incentive from time to time without notice to the Issuer.
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